Monday, January 15, 2018

Life and Treasure

Life and Treasure

Let there be... And it was so.
Our history begins.
God formed and breathed. Man came alive
this glory out of dust
One good command-- Don't eat that fruit.
If you do, you die
Adam, Eve, one Snake, one bite
creation's fabric rips...
grief on pain and sin on sin
we live in agony
God interjects and speaks again
Promise. Future. Hope.

Deliverance for groaning slaves
through the blood and Sea
Abundance in the wilderness
though we're feeling lean
The law comes down-- more good commands
sweet, but weighty too
A long parade of broken saints
who trusted in the Lord
Census, geneologies
bizarre prophetic clips
Ceremonies, sacrifices
random things unclean

All these in a bigger story
pointing to the Lamb
Good. Bad. Ugly. Rules and lists
whisper gospel truth
Breath and blood and bread and water
photo negatives
See the truth behind the symbols
when you peer in close
These choicest words all in a Book--
is it collecting dust?
Jesus called it Life and Treasure
Will you spurn His gift?