Remember a couple of years ago when Facebook had all the "What [fill in the blank] are you"? quizzes? I took several, and my favorite was "What flavor of ice cream are you?" My result was "coffee flavored". The description went something like this: You have a strong personality and are not afraid to say what you think. People often take you the wrong way, and they either love you or they hate you.
I have been working to curb my tongue, and think a little more about what I want to say BEFORE I say it! I still fail more often than I succeed, so it is likely that if you know me-- or read this-- that I will offend you at some point. I am a work in progress!
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6
Leila, I know AND love you, quirky personality and all! =)