I love power tools! And I'm a fan of having the right tools for a job! ;) Reanna got a game for her birthday called "Hedbanz". If you've never seen it, it is an INCREDIBLY FUN game where you have a card with a picture stuck to your forehead & you have one minute to ask questions & try to guess what it is. While we were playing with my parents a few weeks ago, it struck me that the word "tool" can cover a BROAD spectrum of items. You see, we called everything-- from ladders, to toasters, to spoons, to pencils-- "tools". And it's true, a tool is something you use to reach a goal, and is not used up in the process.
Another reason that this has been on my mind is because we have been having discussions with our Crew about our "stuff". I read a book a few years ago about parenting, & in it, the author said they had done a survey in their church youth group asking the youth if their parents would be more angry if they broke a lamp or if they committed a sin. The answer was overwhelmingly breaking a lamp. That made me start thinking about how my (then small) children would answer that question. I had to rethink how I approached "stuff". It took a few years to formulate, but when Judah tore up a part of one of Chaya's toys, I was able to explain to him in a way that-- hopefully-- will help him have a healthy view of "stuff". I told him that God entrusts our things to us for two purposes: 1) to build up the church, and 2) to spread the gospel. And the reason that we should try to take care of the things we DO have is so that we can devote more time, energy, & resources to doing those two things, rather than having to replace things that we need, but didn't take care of.
This morning as I was praying & pondering what I've been reading in the Bible, I began thinking of all the "tools" God has entrusted to me. Obviously my "stuff" and my money, but also "my" time, my talents, my body. Everything I have has been given to me so that I can serve my King by building up His church, and spreading His gospel.
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies--in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 4:10-11
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