Last weekend, our electric transformer popped. I had just finished cooking our dinner. (Small blessings.) So I lit our two scented candles and two oil lamps and we ate by candlelight. Instead of our normal movie night, we played a board game. But I quickly became frustrated because between the dim light and my aging eyes, it was quite difficult for me to play. In fact, when the electricity came on a couple hours later, I felt like I was seeing the game board for the first time! And I was reminded of Jesus's declaration that He is the light of the world.
Light is such a huge thing. It is absolutely necessary for us to be able to see. It causes plants, and therefore food, to grow. It provides warmth to varying degrees. And it triggers hormones in our bodies that make us feel happy.
And Jesus says I am the light. I'll cause you to see.
I am the light. I'll sustain you, and provide for you.
I am the light. I'll give you warmth.
I am the light. I'll make you happier than you can even imagine.
Again Jesus spoke to them saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
John 8:12
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