Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Last week at prayer meeting, a sister asked that we pray for her because she has many responsibilities. She said that every night when she goes to bed, something on her list remains undone. Shorty leaned over and whispered, "I've heard this before." He was poking fun at me because we've had that conversation monthly, maybe even weekly, for quite some time. Well, several of our brothers in the group prayed for her, and the consistent request was that she be able to rest.

As I have pondered work and rest this week, I've noted four reasons to rest. They've encouraged me, and hopefully they will encourage you as well.
1. Rest because you need it.
In the beginning, God gave us the model of rest after work. He didn't need to rest, but because we are creatures, we do. Our resting is a testimony that we are not God.
2. Rest because it is commanded.
God knows that we are not good at doing what is best for us. So, because He is a loving Father, He tells us what we need to do for our good.
3. Rest because God is in control.
The Bible tells us that God never sleeps. He never needs anything. And He is in ultimate control over the events and creatures in His world.
4. Rest because Jesus finished His work.
Again and again in the gospels, Jesus tells us that He came to save sinners. He did this by perfectly keeping God's law in our place, then bearing God's wrath against our sin in our place. The resurrection tells us that His sacrifice is sufficient. He completed His work, and so has become our rest.

So, dear Christian, be diligent in work, but take time to rest. Because even if you don't always finish what you set out to do, Christ did. Rest in His completed work.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Matthew 11:28-30

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