Monday, September 17, 2012

Out of Time

My weekend flew away from me!  I have a terrible tendency to make grand plans & then put them off for one reason or another.  Today that means we are quite behind on our school day.  We will get done-- even if it takes us all day! =/  But I wasn't even as ALMOST prepared for this week as I was last week.  Consequently, I don't have time to write what I'd really like to today-- that and the fact that I can't quite catch the words that are floating around in my head to organize them on the screen. ;)

I will probably be quoting people who articulate better than me a fair bit during the school year.  So, this is one of my favorite parts-- so far ;) -- in a book I've been reading called, "Dug Down Deep" by Joshua Harris.

'Jesus is "perfect in Godhead and also perfect in manhood."  Have you ever taken time to reflect on the reality of Jesus's human nature?  The world has had two millennia to get used to the concept of God becoming a man.  But even after all that time, the idea of God being a human-- a bundle of muscle, bones, and fluid-- is scandalous.  Hands.  Arms.  Feet.  Body hair.  Sweat glands.  How can this possibly be?

This is, without question, the greatest miracle recorded in Scripture.  The parting of the Red Sea is nothing in comparison.  Fire from heaven that consumed Elijah's altar?  No big deal.  Even the raising of Lazarus from the dead takes a backseat to a moment that no human eye saw.  In the womb of a virgin, a human life was conceived.  But no human father was involved.  The Holy Spirit, in a miracle too wonderful for the human mind to comprehend, overshadowed a young woman (Luke 1:35).  And in a split second that the cosmos is still reeling from, God "incarnated."  He took on our humanity.'

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 1:14

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